Our Services
Regional Planning Commissions are conduits for state and federal funding sources. Because of this established relationship, communities across the NWMO RCOG region benefit from our work regardless of membership status. This includes speaking at various organizations, workshops, local, regional, and state conferences, advocating for the region at the state level and providing input on funding initiatives that benefit the region.
Regional Planning Commissions throughout the state are working more collaboratively and efficiently due to scarce resources. Coordinated statewide efforts are becoming more prevalent. Missouri benefits from these coordinated efforts that provide communities more resources and tools to respond to growth pressures and creatively implement community visions.
The NWMO RCOG organizes partners and coordinates planning efforts on a wide range of issues that are important to our rural communities. It is our goal to provide practical guidance, technical expertise, and other resources to enable communities to sustain or attain a way of life that is equitable, healthy, and sustainable.
How We Can Assist
Communities in the NWMO RCOG region may apply for many different funding resources when updating or improving infrastructure or starting programs to address needs. NWMO RCOG staff offers local governments and non-profits a wealth of grant writing experience, expertise, and success. Grants are typically used for community improvements, such as water and sewer systems, bridges, fire stations, senior and community centers, sidewalks, drainage improvements, and housing demolition. A grant application can be complicated and time-consuming so let us help.
In an effort to streamline the grant request process, the NWMO RCOG has created the Grant Intake Form to capture essential information needed to sleuth out potential funding opportunities for regional projects. If you have a project that you would like us to assist with, fill out the Grant Intake Form and submit to Amy Dowis at amy@nwmorcog.org.
Once a grant is approved, NWMO RCOG staff is available on a contract basis to provide the day-to-day administration to help ensure the scope of work is completed in accordance with state or federal guidelines and all necessary reporting is accomplished successfully.
We know new projects can be difficult to fund. Let us assist in finding grant funds. We work closely with state and federal agencies to notify our communities about funding opportunities. We subscribe to several sites with funding opportunities. Let us help you find the funding for your next project.
Our staff can help your community develop an economic development plan. These plans provide a comprehensive overview of the economy, set policy direction for economic growth, and identifies strategies, programs, and projects to improve the economy.
The NWMO RCOG offers Economic Development workshops to our communities. We can provide a workshop on a specific topic, or we can tailor it to your needs.
Maybe a full comprehensive plan isn’t what’s needed for your community. Perhaps you just need help developing a community needs assessment to determine what the community needs and wants. We can help facilitate these meetings and help identify projects needed in your community.
"The essence of strategy is to align your ends with your means: to match you goals and your resources." - Walter Russell
A strategic plan provides local governments with goals, strategies, and a direction to accomplish the visions for the jurisdiction, and help prioritize projects and budget requests. A Strategic Plan also provides a great communication tool between elected officials and the residents in the jurisdiction on what their vision is. If you are interested in a Strategic Plan for your jurisdiction or have any questions, please contact amy@nwmorcog.org.
Needs Assessments are used by local governments to identify housing issues and solutions that can be used to make strategic decisions related to the housing market and is often used as a basis for future housing and policy decisions and/or to secure financing for various housing programs and projects.
We understand how difficult it can be to stay current with all the state and federal resources available. Let us be the liaison between your community and state and federal agencies. The NWMO RCOG staff is in constant communication with state and federal agencies making sure we have the most up-to-date information for our communities.
The NWMO RCOG has an Armadillo Speed Sensor to conduct traffic counts for the region. Many MoDOT traffic studies and permits require a speed study. The traditional method has been to nail down a device on the roadway surface to collect that data. That process took time and put individuals in the middle of the road. The Armadillo Speed Sensor is an innovative way to deploy a speed study from the side of the road out of the lane of traffic. This device attaches to a signpost or a tripod that registers all the lanes at one time. It then provides data for each lane as well as the type of vehicles and their speed. Due to an 11-day battery life, the data is collected for a longer time. The speed study data is sent via email to a traffic studies specialist in an easy-to-use spreadsheet. Once the data is received, the sensor is moved to a new location. The Armadillo has been used several times throughout the region and provided valuable information to the community.
The NWMO RCOG continues to serve as the leading voice for regional transportation planning in Northwest Missouri and remains a dedicated supporter and facilitator of communication between MoDOT and the cities and counties in our region. In support of regional transportation planning, the NWMO RCOG and MoDOT work in partnership each year to develop and execute a transportation work plan designed to allow local input into statewide transportation planning.
Many state and federal agencies require a NEPA Review for awarded projects, such as CDBG, USDA, EDA, and MODNR. NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) is designed to ensure that federally funded projects are environmentally sound. The NWMO RCOG can conduct these reviews for you. These assessments take time and attention-let us help!
For over 20 years, the NWMO RCOG has been an administrator for the Solid Waste Management District A. Like the planning commissions, the solid waste districts are divided up to cover every community within the state. Solid Waste Management District A serves the Missouri counties of Atchison, Gentry, Holt, Nodaway and Worth. The purpose of the solid waste district is to utilize a portion of landfill fees and redistribute those into recycling grants. Each year, grants are available for recycling initiatives and projects. #Reduce#Reuse#Recycle
Complete Streets are streets designed and operated to enable safe use and support mobility for all users. Those include people of all ages and abilities, regardless of whether they are traveling as drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, or public transportation riders. The concept of Complete Streets encompasses many approaches to planning, designing, and operating roadways and rights of way with all users in mind to make the transportation network safer and more efficient. Complete Street policies are set at the state, regional, and local levels and are frequently supported by roadway design guidelines.
Complete Streets approaches vary based on community context. They may address a wide range of elements, such as sidewalks, bicycle lanes, bus lanes, public transportation stops, crossing opportunities, median islands, accessible pedestrian signals, curb extensions, modified vehicle travel lanes, streetscape, and landscape treatments. Complete Streets reduce motor vehicle-related crashes and pedestrian risk, as well as bicyclist risk, when well-designed bicycle-specific infrastructure is included (Reynolds, 2009). They can promote walking and bicycling by providing safer places to achieve physical activity through transportation. We have great partners for this process; let us help your community put a Complete Streets Policy in place.
Project development is the process of planning and allocating and finding resources to fully develop a project. Have an idea for a project but not sure where to start? The NWMO RCOG staff is well versed in project development and can assist your community with this step.

These services are available to our members for a fee.
Comprehensive Strategic Planning
Flood Plain Management and other disaster related planning services
Advanced Economic Development projects
Community transportation and traffic safety planning
Speed trailer and traffic calming equipment