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NW Trailer at Stanberry event.jpg

Planning & Development


Since 1993, the NWMO Solid Waste Management District has provided over $1.4 million in grants to support recycling efforts in the 5-county area of Northwest Missouri. These funds have empowered businesses and non-profit organizations to carry out projects that promote the essential principles of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Without this funding, many of these projects would not have been feasible. If you have a project that involves recycling, you may be eligible for a grant from the NWMO Solid Waste District. The grant cycle takes place annually, with applications being accepted from February through March.


The State of Missouri Solid Waste Districts were created and authorized by the State of Missouri Solid Waste Act of 1992, Revised Mo Statutes. Region A Solid Waste Management District (SWMD) is one of 20 districts throughout the state created to assist the public, private, individual, and not-for-profit sectors in reducing waste and increasing recycling. The Northwest Missouri District was formed in 1993 under these statutes with an appointed Solid Waste Council from the County Commissions of Atchison, Gentry, Holt, Nodaway, and Worth Counties. The NWMO Solid Waste District Council membership is set by the statutes as two representatives from each county, and one representative from each incorporated community over a population of 500. The Solid Waste Council has an Executive Board of Directors elected consisting of 7 members.

The NWMO Solid Waste Management District, Region A, contracts with the NWMO Regional Council of Governments to perform administrative duties assigned by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The SWMD offers recycling grants to projects within the region through an annual grant round, manages regulatory and administrative responsibilities to adhere to state statutes, delivers educational outreach to the 5-county area, and provides technical and financial support for waste reduction and recycling services and activities.

community development project resurfacing a public basketball court

Past projects have included a variety of equipment to support and enhance recycling and composting activities. This equipment includes balers, conveyors, skid-steers, trucks, trailers, and industrial can crushers for processing recycling materials more efficiently. Additionally, composting bins and food shredders have been provided to aid in composting activities. Furthermore, the distribution of trailers has benefited communities without local recycling facilities by assisting in the transportation of recycling materials to the nearest recycling center.

The district has taken steps to promote the use of recycled materials by offering grants for projects such as sport courts, tracks, park benches, and playground equipment that are made from recycled materials. These initiatives not only showcase the benefits of using recycled materials, but also educate the community on the importance of sustainable practices.

reduce reuse recycle graphic


Nodaway County Regional Permanent Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Site

Serving residents of Atchison, Gentry, Holt, Nodaway & Worth Counties

Nodaway County Maintenance Barn

View our HHW Brochure below to learn more about acceptable and unacceptable waste as well as collection dates.


Atchison County

SW Executive Board

  • Paul Seamen

SW Full Council

  • Richard Burke

  • Ryan Kingery

  • Jim Quimby

  • Paul Seaman

  • Vacant

Gentry County

SW Executive Board

  • Mackenzie Manring

  • Mike Sager

SW Full Council

  • Randy Cline

  • Mackenzie Manring

  • Shanda Parrish

  • Mike Sager

  • Vacant

Holt County

SW Executive Board

  • Linda Gocken

  • Richard Wilson​

SW Full Council

  • Chad Keiffer

  • Bryan Markt

  • Richard Wilson

  • Vacant

Nodaway County

SW Executive Board

  • Bill Walker

SW Full Council

  • Tye Parson, Chair

  • Alex Callow

  • Bill Walker

  • Alex Wray

Worth County

SW Executive Board

  • Debbie Roach, Chair

SW Full Council

  • Debbie Roach, Vice Chair

  • Regan Nonneman

  • Vacant

SW Advisory Council

Diane Higdon, Commercial Generator

Tim Hill, Commercial Generator

Cynthia Pederson, Citizen

Dennis Porter, Solid Waste Industry

Dick VanVactor, Citizen

For more information about the Northwest Missouri Regional Solid Waste Management District, please contact our Community Planner, Kirk.

South Holt students at event

The district is dedicated to promoting education and outreach within its communities. Staff members actively participate in seminars, conferences, and training sessions to enhance their knowledge of recycling practices and ensure compliance with Missouri Department of Natural Resources regulations. By collaborating with other Solid Waste Management Districts and the Solid Waste Advisory Board, the district stays informed on the latest industry developments.

In addition to their educational efforts, the district operates a permanent Household Hazardous Waste collection site. They provide educational materials to help community members understand what items are accepted and how to properly dispose of them. Collection events are held quarterly to make it convenient for residents to safely dispose of hazardous materials.

Furthermore, the district organizes educational events on recycling and composting for students in the 5-county area. They work closely with local elementary and middle schools to educate students on the importance of environmental conservation. Through these initiatives, the district is committed to fostering a culture of sustainability and responsible waste management within the community.

One of the largest responsibilities of the Northwest Missouri Solid Waste Management District is the education of our staff and citizens of our community. 

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